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Ysgol Gymunedol Llandudoch /

St Dogmaels Community School

Tyfu, dysgu a chyd-fyw / Growing, learning and living together

Croeso / Welcome



Mae Ysgol Llandudoch wedi ei lleoli ar lannau'r Afon Teifi ym mhentref Llandudoch sydd tua milltir o dref Aberteifi. Mae'r ysgol yn rhan o gymuned agos, cyfeillgar a chyfoethog o ran diwylliant a hanes.


Adeiladwyd yr ysgol yn 1868, ac yn 2002-03 adnewyddwyd yr ysgol drwy ychwanegu estyniad. Y mae'r estyniad modern yn gweddu'n addas i'r hen adeilad gwreiddiol.


Mae gan yr ysgol staff cyfeillgar a gweithgar. Mae pob aelod o'r staff yn gyfrifol am wahanol feysydd o'r cwricwlwm. Mae'r ysgol wedi'i ymrwymo i ddatblygiad proffesiynol parhaus er mwyn i'r staff gyflawni eu rol yn effeithiol. Yn ogystal a'r staff addysgu mae gennym nifer o weinyddesau dosbarth ymroddgar.


Croesewir rhieni a chyfeillion i gynorthwyo yn yr ysgol gyda phethau fel darllen, gwaith celf, dawnsio gwerin, coginio ac ati.


Mae gennym Gymdeithas Rhieni Athrawon bywiog a gweithgar sy'n cyfarfod yn rheolaidd. Mae'r gymdeithas wedi cyflwyno nifer helaeth o roddion i'r ysgol er lles y plant.


Mae llywodraethwyr yr ysgol yn gefnogol iawn i'r ysgol ac mae eu rol yn cynyddu o fewn yr ysgol.



Ysgol Llandudoch is a community school. It lies in the heart of Llandudoch village near the Tivy River. The school is a part of a close community and has a very rich heritage.


Ysgol Llandudoch was built in 1868. The original building remained unchanged until 2002-3 when a major reconstruction took place. The school now consists of an amalgam of old and new buildings. The building offers classroom facilities, library, ICT suite, kitchen and a sports hall/dining area/assembly hall.


Our school has a friendly, hardworking staff. Each member of the teaching staff has responsibilities for areas of the curriculum. The school is committed to continual professional development so the staff may carry out their roles effectively.


We encourage parents and friends to take an active role in school life and to help with reading skills, art, computers, cooking etc.


We have an active Parent-Teacher association which meets regularly. The PTA has raised a considerable amount of money during the last few years for the benefit of the children.


The school governors take an active interest in the children's education and activities and their role within the school is increasing.