Datganiad Gweledigaeth / Vision Statement
"Tyfu, dysgu a chydfyw gyda'n gilydd"
Mae Ysgol Gymunedol Llandudoch yn gymuned hapus, ddiogel a gofalgar sy'n annog pob plentyn beth bynnag eu gallu i gyflawni eu potensial, a datblygu'n aelodau cyfrifol gwerthfawr o'u cymdeithas.
Ein nod yw :
- Datblygu awyrgylch hapus symbylol a chyfeillgar.
- Hybu rhagoriaeth ym mhob agwedd o fywyd y plentyn drwy ddathlu llwyddiant.
- Datblygu dysgwyr annibynnol a hyderus.
- Datblygu hunanddisgyblaeth a hyder.
- Datblygu cwrteisi tuag at ei gilydd.
- Hybu datblygiad ysbrydol moesol a chymdeithasol.
- Addysgu'r plant i werthfawrogi eu hiaith a'u diwylliant Cymreig.
"Growing, learning and living together"
Llandudoch Community School is a happy safe and caring community. We aim to encourage every child to grow and reach their full potential as responsible citizens.
Our aim is to :
- Develop independent learners who are able to seek solutions creatively and co-operatively.
- Develop children that are self-disciplined and confident enough to take risks in their learning.
- Be polite and courteous.
- Encourage spiritual, moral and social development. To feel safe and valued as part of a caring community.
- Develop a sense of pride in their Welsh heritage and language.
- Encourage excellence by celebrating success.
- Develop a culture of making learning fun!