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Ysgol Gymunedol Llandudoch /

St Dogmaels Community School

Tyfu, dysgu a chyd-fyw / Growing, learning and living together

Criw Cymuned

Yn ddiweddar gwahoddodd y Criw Lles a’r Criw Cymuned ffrindiau’r ysgol i’r ysgol am goffi a sgwrs. Cafodd y plant brynhawn gwych yn sgwrsio gyda gwahanol bobl. Diolch am eu cefnogi. Recently the Wellbeing Crew and the Community Crew invited friends of the school into school for coffee and a chat. The children had a great after chatting with different people. Thank you for supporting them.

Cafodd y Criw Cymuned ychydig o oriau prysur heddiw pan aethant i hel afalau. Diolch yn fawr iawn i Mr a Mrs Rouet am eu gwahodd i'w perllan eleni eto a hefyd diolch yn fawr  i'r rhieni a ddaeth i helpu. Bydd yr afalau yn cael eu troi'n crwmbwl afalau a byddant ar werth wythnos nesaf.


The Criw Cymuned had a busy couple of hours  today when they went to pick apples. A very big thank you to Mr and Mrs Rouet for inviting them into their orchard once again and a  big thank you as well to the parents that came to help. The apples will be turned into apple crumbles and will be for sale next week.